Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Notes through half the class again!
I can't even remember what the were about right this second!
I do remember the second half of class though!
As a class we created a law firm to try and help learn the first 10 amendments!
It was pritty crazy, althoug h we had to turn some cutsomers away.
I'm still unsure of said amendments, i think it's the 6th that gave you the right to turn away soldiers from your house, and maybe the 4th i believe that gave people the right to say no to an unfair and unlwaful search. And amendment 1 gave people the right to freedom of expression!
If these aren't right i'm going to cry.
So to all parents, they can shutup cause videogames and t.v. can actually help you learn stuff!
That is the point of the day.

1 comment:

  1. I hope that you are going to go back and look at some of those amendments again, especially the 6th.
