Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Notes through half the class again!
I can't even remember what the were about right this second!
I do remember the second half of class though!
As a class we created a law firm to try and help learn the first 10 amendments!
It was pritty crazy, althoug h we had to turn some cutsomers away.
I'm still unsure of said amendments, i think it's the 6th that gave you the right to turn away soldiers from your house, and maybe the 4th i believe that gave people the right to say no to an unfair and unlwaful search. And amendment 1 gave people the right to freedom of expression!
If these aren't right i'm going to cry.
So to all parents, they can shutup cause videogames and t.v. can actually help you learn stuff!
That is the point of the day.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Boring day.
We 'enjoyed' the simplistics of taking notes. For 40 minutes.
Oh so joyful.
No but really it wasn't t bad, I rather like notes.
Today we learned of the Fedralist and...THE ANTI-FEDERALISTS!*GASP!*
One group, i'm  not recalling exactly which,
didn't really are to much about what was happening with economy and trade,
these were usually country farms who had a steady flow of trade.
I know exactly how they not really nope!
The whole just in the middle of nowhere yes, that's where the line ends.
I'm tired ad rambling and need to finish this assignment boyle gave us so i'm going t stop writing.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

October 12th

"Onward to the notebooks ye scurvy dogs!"
That is quote for quote how Mr. boyle addressed us in taking out our notebooks,
today was a simple day, almost like a stroll through the park.
We chattered on about the weekends homework, and how in basics
even though the articlas of confederacy were supposed to do a great deal,
they did diddly-squat nothin'.
As a class we got through about 3 groups, out of 9.
I was asleep half the time, not cause of bordum, simpley from tiredness.
I think for a 'monday' morning it was a good paced class.
Lets hope it doesn't speed up tommorow!
I wanna know what I got on my test!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Another day, Another project, More bugging Mr. Boyle!
It was my first experiance being an x.
So just one more project on google docs.
Sometimes I rue the day internet was born,
I'm not even quite sure what the project is about,
I guess I should probably read the sheet.
In basics, handing out this projects and then reading this project over
and studying for the test that's on Friday
which ima pass with flying colors
there's nothing else to tell!
J'etudier beacoup pour l'examin vendredi.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

10 / 5 / 10 October 5th!

The Treaty of Paris, was what today was spent on.
The 9 articles that were homework, 5 that people didn't read.
Reading through a couple of those different points,
I was thinking in my head, alright get the point, now what the hell else is being said?
Why did people have to talk in such freakish lingo.
So, sadly at the end of class, we were given the review sheet.
For the test.
That's Friday.
That has an essay on it.
And no multiple choice.
Or fill in the blank.
Why Mr. Boyle?!
So hopefully, i'll be prepared on this test that is on the northern and southern campaignes that happened during the American Revolution.
Stupid Townshed Acts.

Monday, October 4, 2010

October 4th, Class of History

Oh independence. Even though your document was signed, you were a lie!
There was a whole 5-6 years of fighting even after!
The British obviously didn't respect the 'we're independent, we have a document to prove it,
so back off!' thing. Silly Brits!
So anyway, the history class today was spent exploring the already explored southern campaigne!
Yay repetition!
I enjoyed the class, hyper with sugar in my body, i felt like i achieved some sort of self-satisfaction.
P.s. Mr boyle, if you read this one, DO ANOTHER CIRCLE.
Hali like circles!
Anywho, the war 'ended' with the Siege of Yorktown.
And for homework, which is of course more documents which kills more trees,
is about the end of the war in 1783, the treaty of paris.
Fun fun stuff!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Oh those Gorilla's. October 1st class.

So, Friday was a half day.
With History first period.
Friday+Half Day+First Period=A Hali That Only Half listens.
Basically, the class was going over what happened in the Northern battles.
Or was that thursday? I know we read and discussed documents.
As a class, we all( not really all but a bunch) of people put in their opinion
on the 3 most important battles of the northern campaigne of the revolution.
I was suprised at how many battles their were, and how few victories the colonist actually had.
Compared to the British we WERE gorillas using guerilla warfare. Crazy stuff there people
So, as far as I know, that's what happend that day!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Blogs fly high just like an airplane!
Unfortunatky I'm not on the airplane.
Just another glorious day in history.
I got to experience what being William ellery
of rhode island back in 1775 was like!
Crazy I know,but how eerything was went abot was pritty cool
I enjoyed the circular shape, I could easily see everyone
and hear berything all the other 'delagets' said

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

So today was interesting!
The class had a 'non debate' debate!
As the radicals, we so showed everybody up.
But *insertpersonnamehere*, you needa to shutup and talk in SHORTER
sentences. You were putting me to sleep!
So yeah,. us radicals one.
Stupid British Hardliners.
Questions were asked, screaming and yelling,
Oh the excitment of an inclass 'non debate'!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Another day, with another episode of spongebob, and another history class.
With more group work!
It was my first feel as a radical.
How exilerating, and that's really about it.
Thomas Pain, the writer of the colonies that encouraged independence!
He was our radical, go Tom!

Monday, September 20, 2010


Another day of History per usual.
If only i could remember what happened.
Could help!
Well lets start at the beginning, there were notes.
I think thats what the whole class consisted of.
Looking at the board, yay google earth!
Who new people could walk to far.
Seriously, silly Brits.
All the way from the mystic river, to lexington! Then concord.
Why the soldiers wouldn't revolt, I have no clue.
Thats about what I remember.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Picture and a Poem

This post is actually about last thursday's history class.
I forgot to post so lets get down to business.
Again the first thing done on that day involved a picture.
Except this time there was a worksheet.
The painting was named, "The Midnight ride of Paul Revere."
It was beautifully done, but strange none the less.
The last half of class was spent with a long, long, long poem.
And it was about *drum roll* PAUL REVERE!
That was the day, someone, that was alot f thinking.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Oh History! Another day i have spent with you!
Simple class today. Working in the computer lab.
Only had to change a powerpoint in a word document.
I didn't even get to add all the pritty pictures i put into the slide!
My group and I,(along with all the other children in the class)
we had a bit of bickering but got the project done!
Let's all cheer yay! Except for my group. Don't cheer for them.
They made fun of my lisp!
After that the day was horrible cause of my cold!
Until tommorow, toodles my blog,

Friday, September 10, 2010


Another day of History. Our first real day! When everyone took their seats, a strange holographic man was on the whiteboard!
I was completely convinced that is was a redcoat British soldier.
Until Boyle told us it took place during the French and Indian war.
Crushed my hopes and dreams. T'was George Washington.
Atleast we knew what we'd be learning for the day!
And 20 minutes later \I had a note page full of the war.
Interesting day, note the sarcasm, it wasn't bad.
Learned how tobacco and farming started the first technical world war!

Thursday, September 9, 2010


History, history, what went on? Let's all think.
Review on that fact that we actually do have to blog! Which brings me to here.
Then a 5th grade u.s. history relate review packet. Fun.
Not to bad, short, sweet, and relatively to the point considering it is U.S. history.
Learning that New York was not part of New England, news to me!
Twas an enjoyable class, not overwhelming.
Except the reminder of the two projects that're due. (Much thanks Mr. Boyle)
The worst part, is that we have to draw! I dislike drawing, mostly because I can't, but that's okay!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Goals for a Year

3 goals for a whole year. What could they possibly be?

Goal 1 : Finish every book i've ever bought but never read. Why? More like why not. They're just sitting there, and i used money to buy them so i might as well read them! There's a lot of them. I'll read atleast a book maybe two a week and get through the always growing pile.

Goal 2 : Make the honor roll. The honor roll, for the 'smart' children. A bar needs to be set somewhere in one's mind on how they want to do academically, mines there. I'll study more, and actually do the work! (Hopefully)

Goal 3 : Be in shape, and able to run 2 miles easily for Lacrosse. Lacrosse is bunches of running(even for a goalie which makes no sense) so being in shape for the season would be amazing. I wouldn't be out of breathe or as tired. + maybe someone could finally beat curly for running.